Tuesday, March 15, 2011

Make Money Writing Hubs

If you are writing hubs to earn money, then make sure you have signed up for Google Adsense and Amazon, as well as the other affiliates they offer at hubpages.  The next step is determining your topic.  There are a few different ways to pick a topic.  If you can write on anything, head over to Spyfu , look down the page for keywords with highest cost per click and click on view all.  Mine shows "rugs usa" as a $1,777.69 CPC which is just outrageous.  I don't understand how that works, and I'm tempted to write a hub entitled Rugs USA and see what Adsense ads I get.  Either way, you can take your results from Spyfu and then check out Adwords Keyword Tool.  You can put in "rugs" here and see what kind of searches you can expect.  When creating the topic of your hub, you can use both of these tools and try to maximize your expected traffic and at the same time try and maximize your Adsense CPC.

Once you've determined the best keywords (go for multiple words that include as many of the Adword phrases you can logically string together, not just one word), they need to be in your title, or part of the title.  If the title you want has been used already, you can remove the dashes in the page link and see how that works.

For the format, go ahead and add a picture.  Google search images and find a sample picture and upload it into your hub.  Just follow directions to add it, and as a caption for your picture, put in your keywords.

Now it's time to start writing.  Use as many forms of your keywords as possible in the titles.  Your first sentence should include your keywords, and the last sentence should include them again.  For every 100 words you write, use your keywords somewhere in the text about 2 to 3 times.  If you use it too many times G will see it as spam and drop your page.

When you are done, go ahead and add some Amazon items to your hub, maybe a poll if you like.  Then publish.  I always like to use the "suggest links" tool at the top to help my own hubscore, and many times if you link to someone's hub, they may link back to yours!  This is important, and it's called backlinks.

The more backlinks your hub has, the higher G will rank it.  So, it wouldn't hurt for you to create some similar hubs, or hop to another content farm site, and write similar articles, but always link back to your money maker hub at least twice.

After that, it's just a waiting game.  G will have to find your site, and then as it ages, it will move up in rank.  Once it goes in the top few pages of your keyword search on G, you will begin getting more search engine traffic.  Go to Traffic Sources on your hub account page and when you see traffic from the different search engines, you know you are getting there.  It took me a few weeks before I began getting a decent number of search engine hits.